Given the Ariane 6’s limited capacity for launches to Venus, most unmanned launches (manned launches are discussed – 2.1) will be done in pairs. A first launcher sends the cargo into its cruise in a highly elliptical orbit where it can wait several times weeks to be joined by a tug. In addition to the orientation function, communication and trajectory correction during transit, the stage of the cruise is mainly made up of the heat shield that allows air-braking and then the atmospheric re-entry of the modules. The tug-of-life couple cruise floor exists in two dimensions depending on whether it is pulled by Ariane 6.2 or 6.4. Version 6.2 will consist of a Cruise Stage (CS2) capable of carrying 7.6 tonnes of cargo and A RCT taking on the roles of communication, guidance and control during transit. Version 6.4 is based on a Consumable Heavy Tug (CHT), coupled with a (CS4) with a capacity of 13.75 tonnes.

Cruise Stage EC2 (kg) EC4 (kg)
Computer and control 100   150
Rcs 200 250
Thermal shield 1 750 2 000
Cargo 8 000 13 750
Design Reserve 250 350
Total 10 300 16 500
RCT with CS2 carrying habitat
CHT Note Mass (kg)
Engine RL10 275
Structure – tank   1 050
Rcs   50
Computer   25
Design Reserve   100
Mass empty L – 7 m, D 4.5m 1 500
M ergols   15 000
Isp (s)   464
Push (kN)   220
Atmospheric re-entry of cargo modules

2.7.1 Ariane 6.2 pair launch calculation (LP6.2)

being heavier than the CS2 and since both are fired by identical launchers, he will have to turn on his engine to join the CS2. The rest of the fuel will be used to propel the whole thing towards Venus.

  Initial M (t) M ergols (t) Isp (Ns/kg) DELTA-V (m/s)
CS2 10,3      
CS2 – RCT 21,6 8,9 4 560 2 406,29
  Initial M (t) M ergols (t) Isp (Ns/kg) DELTA-V (m/s)
CS2 10,3      
Ariane 6.2 38,9 24,3 4 560 4 462,43
229,9 171,9 3 551 4 890,44
489,9 240,9 2 550 1 725,55
11 090,47
  Initial M (t) M ergols (t) Isp (Ns/kg) DELTA-V (m/s)
RCT 13,0 1,6 4 560 600,38
Ariane 6.2 41,6 24,3 4 560 3 995,65
232,6 171,9 3 551 4 770,33
492,6 240,9 2 550 1 711,82
11 078,17

2.7.2 Ariane 6.4 pair launch calculation (LP6.4)

Both payloads are directly placed in orbit, it is only there that the heavy space tug will dock with CS4 for injection into heliocentric orbit.

  Initial M (t) M ergols (t) Isp (Ns/kg) DELTA-V (m/s)
CS4 16,5      
CS4 – CHT 33,0 15,0 4 560 2 763,98
  Initial M (t) M ergols (t) Isp (Ns/kg) DELTA-V (m/s)
CHT or CS4 16,5      
Ariane 6.4 45,1 24,3 4 560 3 524,73
236,1 171,9 3 551 4 624,30
756,1 481,7 2 550 2 584,83
10 733,86

2.7.3 Possible Evolution

In a first RCT will therefore complete the Venusian base and the tugs heavy space will be single-use. In a second phase it will be possible to reuse the various tugs on Earth. By reducing the payload LP6.2, RCT will be able to brake and return to Earth after the injection of CS2 in heliocentric orbit. The heavy space tug will give way reusable heavy tug (RHT) that will resemble an enlarged RCT.  In addition, these different tugs will be able to be used for missions in Earth orbit or to the moon.

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